Monday, June 14, 2010

"Hell Hath No Limits"

This article was selected for The Best Science and Nature Writing series (2209).

Faustian Economics: Hell Hath No Limits. By Wendell Berry. Harper's Magazine. May 2008.

Animal Cruety and Human Empahty

The Animal-Cruelty Syndrome, by Charles Siebert.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

This Time Is Different

Since we've been looking at Thomas Friedman's work, take a look at this recent column on the Gulf Spill, This Time Is Different. Does it speak to our discussion of a "land ethic." Do you think the Gulf of Mexico has standing?

Some Posts on Environmental Ethics

Image: Bob Holme. "Imagine Earth without people." The New Scientist. 12 October 2006.

A world without people? A blog post by Peter Singer, a bioethicist at Princeton.

This link will take you to a trailer from the documentary "Tapped," which focuses on the bottled water industry.

The image above is taken from an article in Frankly Green.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Satire from The Onion.

Green Cigarettes

Aldo Leopold

A short video about Aldo Leopold and the land that inspired A Sand Country Almanac.

This Leopold-based video is a bit longer (10 minutes) and more of a mini-documentary.

Here's another video which invites you to redefine "environmentalist" and "conservative" in light of Leopold's work.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Here's a link to a 2008 MTV video about greenwashing (see Ch. 10 345-347).

Here's a satire of green-based advertising.

Here's a discussion of greenwashing, which includes a Colbert satire:

Here's a news feature on the "Six Sins of Greenwashing. (See p. 346 in your text.)

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Media Frames and the Environment

In this post, you'll see two videos: the first, an interview by Grist magazine, featuring New York Times columnist Tom Friedman. In the second, you'll see a feature piece that involves an Earth First! protest aimed at the logging industry.

How do frames work in each of the clips?